It's Done
Its as finished as it’s going to be this year. Time to get out and ride the thing.
The main thing that is still outstanding is the painting of the plastic parts… tank, mudguards etc.
The wheels also need sorting. I plan to have the hubs powder coated and stainless spokes and nipples fitted. If I cant find anyone close in France I will send them to Holland for Mat Beekers to sort out.
The Keihan headers and “Y” pipe have made the exhaust bark a little bit. So far I like it! The carbs were giving me a few problems. Air leaking in that made the idle take 4-5 seconds to return to normal. Sorted now with new rubber tubes and a bigger screwdriver to tighten the buggers.
The Strebel Nautilus horn is LOUD! Not much else to say really… Oh, it ain’t pretty…
The Magura Fat-Bars and ROX Risers, feel nice and everything fits well. All except for the GPS. For that I will use a RAM mount system of some sort.
This weekend would have been good for a shakedown ride as the temperatures were in the high 20’s, but the French insurance companies conspired to work against me getting cover for this weekend…