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Hidden Bling

In the photo you can also see a new larger twin coil from Silent Hektik in Germany. The one fitted to the bike was of unknown origin and date but was not a BMW unit. These SH units are supposed to be really good.

I replaced the standard battery tray with a stainless unit that fits the Hawker PC680 battery correctly.
This leaves a big void that seems a shame not to use. For the JAMBA Trip, I made a big tool box that fitted this space.

I kept the box when I sold the red GS, so I could fit it on this bike. I can get an amazing amount of stuff in there!

I had a couple of tubeless repair kits, Sparrow air pump, box of fuses and miscellaneous electrical bits, box of nuts and bolts, The Autocom main unit, the Heat Troller for the heated clothing and other odds and ends.

Its not very “polished” as its just made out of fibreglass matting and polyester resin with a coat of paint on it.

The new battery tray has a main fuse block holder on it but is gets in the way of the box so the fusebox is relocated to the side of the tool box. There is a bolt retaining the rear mudguard to the tool box to stop it flapping.

Its mostly together now but still waiting for a few parts and bits and pieces to tidy things up.

It looks like a “whats missing” competition… Carbs are obvious!

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